Grant Avenue Baptist Church


Church at 1625 Northwest Grant Avenue, Corvallis, OR 97330

Grant Avenue Baptist Church in Corvallis Oregon exists to share Christ and build believers

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in Corvallis, OR

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    HOLY PSALMS 34:1 ; 99:9:3 ; HOLY ACTS 17:11 ; OKJV AND NKJV HOLY BIBLE BOOKS OF JOHN 17:17:3 ; 10:10 ; ACTS 4:11:12 ; 16:31 ; 26:18 BY FAITH ROMANS 10:17 IN THE GOOD NAME OF GOD PROVERBS 22:1:2 ; ROMANS 8:28 ; PSALMS 133:1--:3 ; 128:1--:6 ; 23:1--:6 ; 1 TIMOTHY 2:1--:6--:8 Amen to our prayers for the FIRST LOVE TO INCREASE PHiLiPPiANS 1:9:6 in the BODY=christian holy one church of Christ Jesus=YESHUA MESSIAH our SAVIOUR AND LORD for aLL those in Authority Amen ROMANS 8:28 ; PROVERBS 30:4:5 ; HEBREWS 4:12 ; MATTHEW 28:19:20 Amen . JOHN 11:25:26 ? MATTHEW 13:37 ; LUKE 8:11 ; MARK 4:14 THANKS TOO ABBA EVERLASTING FATHER YHWH ISAIAH 9:6:7 ; 53:1--:12 Amen . GENESIS 1:1--:4 ; JAMES 1:17 ; 2 CORINTHIANS 9:15 ; 8:9 ; 13:11:13:14 ; PSALMS 18:28 ; 119:105 ; PROVERBS 20:27 ; JOHN 6:63 ; 20:30:31 ; 1:1:12:14 ; 3:15:16:17 ; ROMANS 6:7 ; 1 PETER 4:1 HERE @ CLEARWATER FLORIDA & BORN in 1960 in ENTERPRISE, OREGON FIRST BORN without being ABORTED FROM MURDER in the WOMB & born again 1988 IN Christ Jesus SON OF GOD who loved me & us & gave HIMSELF for me & us GALATIANS 2:20:21:16 Amen ,POSTED 02/05/2017 ; HOLY Amen MALACHI 4:2 ; HOLY PSALMS 34:1 ; 99:9:3 ; HOLY ACTS 17:11 ; OKJV AND NKJV HOLY BIBLE BOOKS OF JOHN 17:17:3 ; 10:10 ; ACTS 4:11:12 ; 16:31 ; 26:18 BY FAITH ROMANS 10:17 IN THE GOOD NAME OF GOD PROVERBS 22:1:2 ; ROMANS 8:28 ; PSALMS 133:1--:3 ; 128:1--:6 ; 23:1--:6 ; 1 TIMOTHY 2:1--:6--:8 Amen to our prayers for the FIRST LOVE TO INCREASE PHiLiPPiANS 1:9:6 in the BODY=christian holy one church of Christ Jesus=YESHUA MESSIAH our SAVIOUR AND LORD for aLL those in Authority Amen ROMANS 8:28 ; PROVERBS 30:4:5 ; HEBREWS 4:12 ; MATTHEW 28:19:20 Amen . JOHN 11:25:26 ? MATTHEW 13:37 ; LUKE 8:11 ; MARK 4:14 THANKS TOO ABBA EVERLASTING FATHER YHWH ISAIAH 9:6:7 ; 53:1--:12 Amen . GENESIS 1:1--:4 ; JAMES 1:17 ; 2 CORINTHIANS 9:15 ; 8:9 ; 13:11:13:14 ; PSALMS 18:28 ; 119:105 ; PROVERBS 20:27 ; JOHN 6:63 ; 20:30:31 ; 1:1:12:14 ; 3:15:16:17 ; ROMANS 6:7 ; 1 PETER 4:1 SHALOM with GOSPEL of GOD 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1--:4 Amen ARK in JESUS Name WHOLLY Winning & SAVING SOULS in SPIRIT and TRUTH JOHN 4:23:24 ; PROVERBS 11:30 tree of life: and he that winneth souls is wise . ROMANS 12:1:2:3:21 HERE IN CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ; @mark_sutto ; ON Twitter : @soholyhealth ; PRAYING 02/05/2017

    Added November 20, 2016 by christianmarkbelovedson Sutto
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Grant Avenue Baptist Church website info

Website address:

Website title: GRANT AVENUE - Home

Website description: Grant Avenue Baptist Church in Corvallis Oregon exists to share Christ and build believers